We suffer from what we carry within us and not by what is happening externally to us.
But also what happens to us, it is attracted by what we carry within us!
All suffering is modified sexual, emotional and mental energy crystallized in our energy field and subconscious mind in the form of fear, anger, hatred, depression, grief, jealousy, greed, arrogance, vanity, pride, agony, dissatisfaction, boredom, discontentment, loneliness, etc.
We create the above egoistic propensities due to our wrong relations we have with the external reality as well as the misuse and overuse of our body, vital energy, senses and mind.
Wrong relations and misuse and overuse of our system happen due to ignorance, desire and identification with the body and mind.
When we reestablish the balance and harmony within us, at all levels (which is the result of systematic daily practice and a sattvic way of living), and we are awake and connected with our essence, our Divine nature (Atman, Consciousness), suffering becomes an impossibility!