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Our essential nature is happiness - Ramana Maharshi |
The two ways we experience happiness
by Atman Nityananda
Freedom, peace and happiness is what we really are, our true nature, but due to the ego and the desire-mechanism which cloud our buddhi (intellect-intelligence) we do not realize it.
´´Happiness lies deep within us, in the very core of our being. Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us, who are the consciousness that experiences happiness. Though we seem to derive happiness from external objects or experiences, the happiness that we thus enjoy in fact arises from within us.´´ - Sri Ramana Maharshi
´´Happiness lies deep within us, in the very core of our being. Happiness does not exist in any external object, but only in us, who are the consciousness that experiences happiness. Though we seem to derive happiness from external objects or experiences, the happiness that we thus enjoy in fact arises from within us.´´ - Sri Ramana Maharshi
Happiness always comes from within our heart, is an innate attribute of our true nature or consciousness, but we do not experience it because our mind is always outgoing, agitated and we are always in a state of emotional turmoil.
Attention! The experience of happiness is depended only on the condition of mind. We imagine that happiness is related with the experience of objects and the fulfillment of desires. We can experience peace and happiness only when the mind is calm, concentrated and rests in its source, the Atman, (Consciousness) which shines eternally in our heart. This may happen consciously and voluntarily or unconsciously by chance. On the other hand when the mind is agitated, extroverted and distracted we fail to experience happiness; we experience pleasant or unpleasant sensations, pleasure or some kind of suffering, of which the intensity depends on the intensity of the mental and emotional turmoil.
´´The degree of happiness that we experience at any moment is directly proportionate to the degree of clarity with which we are then conscious of our true and essential being.´´ - Sri Ramana Maharshi
The desires, emotions, impulses, thought patterns keep almost always the mind extroverted, uneasy, distracted and restless and the prana (vital energy) agitated and contracted. The agitated and turbulent by desires, emotions and impulses mind fails to reflect the happiness of our true Self and instead of it we experience some kind of discomfort, pain or suffering.
How do we experience happiness through sensory experiences?
When a desire is
granted and we enjoy the object of desire we experience some kind of pleasant
sensation, pleasure and satisfaction and in many cases and at some extend
contentment and happiness.
When a desire is fulfilled and we enjoy the desired object there is no separation between us and the object and thus all mental and emotional agitation (fantasies, imaginations, projections, expectations, anxiety, agony, fear, impatience etc.) for the time being subside. Thus the mind for a while becomes calm, concentrated and introverted. In this mental state the mind naturally reflects the happiness of our inner Self or Consciousness. But we do not recognize it because the ego (with the aid of tamas guna) puts a veil on this process and thus we unconsciously associate the happiness with the object. We think that happiness comes from the object itself or at least that depends on the object. This has as a result we to condition our subconscious to seek happiness through similar experiences and in general through objective experiences.
It is certain that due to the fulfillment of desires we can experience some kind of pleasure and a little happiness (not always), but at the same time due to desire-energy we cannot avoid to experience a lot of psychological suffering. It is a fact that we cannot have desires and pleasures without experiencing suffering, because all psychological disorders, defects and negative emotions are only modifications of the desire-energy The desire (which is a very powerful energy and impulse) has a dense vibration which in itself is experienced as discomfort or suffering (depends on the power of its expression) and this suffering intensifies much more when something obscures the fulfilment of desire; in his case the desire-energy modifies as anger, impatience, fear, agony, irritation, depression etc.. The intensity of these negative emotions is analogous to the intensity of desire.
There is no way to free ourselves from the painful effects of desire if we always try to fulfil them. By doing so we only temporarily relieve the mental and emotional tension created by desire and we experience some kind of illusory pleasurable sensation. But by fulfilling any desire that may arise in us we only empower the desire-mechanism and the desire-energy and thus we empower our bondage and suffering.
The desire by nature is never satisfied and always creates in us a sense of lack, of incompleteness, that something is missing, of uneasiness and discontentment (which is also another way that desire makes us suffer) in order to drive us towards another pleasurable experience. Thus a vicious circle is created by desire. This is consisted of: desiring (which is also suffering, experiencing pleasure and some time happiness and suffering; this wheel created by desire never ends.
When a desire is fulfilled and we enjoy the desired object there is no separation between us and the object and thus all mental and emotional agitation (fantasies, imaginations, projections, expectations, anxiety, agony, fear, impatience etc.) for the time being subside. Thus the mind for a while becomes calm, concentrated and introverted. In this mental state the mind naturally reflects the happiness of our inner Self or Consciousness. But we do not recognize it because the ego (with the aid of tamas guna) puts a veil on this process and thus we unconsciously associate the happiness with the object. We think that happiness comes from the object itself or at least that depends on the object. This has as a result we to condition our subconscious to seek happiness through similar experiences and in general through objective experiences.
It is certain that due to the fulfillment of desires we can experience some kind of pleasure and a little happiness (not always), but at the same time due to desire-energy we cannot avoid to experience a lot of psychological suffering. It is a fact that we cannot have desires and pleasures without experiencing suffering, because all psychological disorders, defects and negative emotions are only modifications of the desire-energy The desire (which is a very powerful energy and impulse) has a dense vibration which in itself is experienced as discomfort or suffering (depends on the power of its expression) and this suffering intensifies much more when something obscures the fulfilment of desire; in his case the desire-energy modifies as anger, impatience, fear, agony, irritation, depression etc.. The intensity of these negative emotions is analogous to the intensity of desire.
There is no way to free ourselves from the painful effects of desire if we always try to fulfil them. By doing so we only temporarily relieve the mental and emotional tension created by desire and we experience some kind of illusory pleasurable sensation. But by fulfilling any desire that may arise in us we only empower the desire-mechanism and the desire-energy and thus we empower our bondage and suffering.
The desire by nature is never satisfied and always creates in us a sense of lack, of incompleteness, that something is missing, of uneasiness and discontentment (which is also another way that desire makes us suffer) in order to drive us towards another pleasurable experience. Thus a vicious circle is created by desire. This is consisted of: desiring (which is also suffering, experiencing pleasure and some time happiness and suffering; this wheel created by desire never ends.
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Read also How we are caught in samsara |
´´The transient happiness that we seem to derive from external experiences, but which actually arises only from within ourself, is in reality nothing other than our own essential being.
The more clearly we are conscious of our own essential being, the more deeply and intensely do we experience happiness.´´
The more clearly we are conscious of our own essential being, the more deeply and intensely do we experience happiness.´´
- Sri Ramana Maharshi
The spiritual way to experience happiness
On the other hand, there is another way to enjoy the happiness of our true Self, without to suffer the painful consequences of desire. This is the spiritual way. By purification, control of senses and mind, discernment, detachment, meditation and self-inquiry we can consciously free our mind from the desire-energy and dwell without a break in our heart and experience the peace and bliss of our own divine being or Atman.
There is no doubt that this process requires time and a steady devotion to practice regularly and diligently. But at the end the boon will be the freedom from suffering and the endless experience of pure peace and bliss.
If via spiritual practices we eliminate from our psych the psychological virus (ego), the desires and all defects and negative emotions, we will be totally free from all kind of suffering and we always experience the peace, bliss and freedom of our Soul
Remember that the ego and the desire are our true enemy and not the objects themselves. When we are free from ego and desire we see in all objects the Atman which is the substratum and the source of all forms; we are not attached to the objects, we do not desire the objects, we do not react with like or dislike, with attraction or repulsion and thus we remain centred in our innermost Self, our divine essence, always blissful and peaceful. This is our destiny and our eternal home.
God bless you realize your true nature in this life and be free forever!
Peace, Love and Light