The word ‘Satsanga’ is the combination of the two words ‘Sat’ and ‘Sanga.’
‘Sat’ means existence absolute, which is Brahman. ‘Sat’ is the essential nature of Brahman which is permanent in things that change, which is the only reality that upholds the world of appearance.
The same ‘Sat,’ with the accidental attributes of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence is called Isvara or Paramatman. In brief, ‘Sat’ refers to Isvara as well as Brahman, both ultimately being the one and the same reality.
‘Sanga’ literally means company or union.
The same ‘Sat,’ with the accidental attributes of omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence is called Isvara or Paramatman. In brief, ‘Sat’ refers to Isvara as well as Brahman, both ultimately being the one and the same reality.
‘Sanga’ literally means company or union.
To be always in the company of the Lord, or to be established in Brahman, is the literal meaning of the word ‘Satsanga.’
But, as long as ignorance or Avidya remains, the direct realisation of Brahman is impossible. When ignorance is destroyed by wisdom, the real nature reveals itself. This is the highest Satsanga.
The next possibility is to please God so much by our unflinching devotion that He has to sport with us assuming a gentle form according to our desire, even as He did in the case of the Gopis. But the means to the realisation of this blessed end is also called Satsanga or the company of the wise. The means being essentially not different from the end, is also named after the end.
Because the company of the wise leads to the realisation of Brahman (with attributes or without attributes), it is also termed as Satsanga. In this sense, Satsanga means the company of the Satpurushas.
Satpurushas are those who have realised truth as well as those who are aspirants after truth. Those people who have renounced egoism, greed, lust, etc., are Satpurushas. Those people who have attained equal vision, balanced mind, unflinching devotion to the Lord, are Satpurushas.
Those people who are endowed with peace, bliss, contentment, simplicity, fearlessness, humility, powerful voice, a face beaming with the glow of saintliness, etc., are Satpurushas.
Neither through matted locks, nor through fiery lectures and erudition, nor through the exhibition of miracles does one attain perfection or knowledge.
He in whom the two currents of Raga-dvesha, egoism, lust and anger are destroyed in toto is ever happy and is a liberated sage or Jivanmukta.
Saints are those whose minds are unruffled, who are free from avarice, who haveconquered desire, and who have brought their senses and internal nature under control, who are devoted to the Lord, and who have no longing for anything, who are the same in pleasure and pain, who are free from attachment, who have the attributes of self-control, and who are content with whatever comes in their way.
If you find mercy and humility in a person, then alone can you know that that person is a Sadhu. His heart will melt at the suffering of others. Man has got a sin-hardened head; when this begins to melt, the Lord manifests Himself there. The Sadhu need not deliver lectures on Panchadasi. He need not necessarily be able to deliver eloquent discourses on the Gita. He may not be able to comment for three hours upon a single Brahma Sutra. But, a sweet aroma will emanate from him. This will attract you to him. This will give you Santi and an inner bliss when you approach him. All your worries and anxieties will disappear as you near him. His very look will elevate you. Each one of his words will inspire you, will engrave itself on the tablet of your heart. Your mature will be transformed. You will turn a new leaf in your life. Such will be his power. Such is the glory of true mercy and humility.
Those people who are endowed with peace, bliss, contentment, simplicity, fearlessness, humility, powerful voice, a face beaming with the glow of saintliness, etc., are Satpurushas.
Who Then is a True Mahatma?
Neither through matted locks, nor through fiery lectures and erudition, nor through the exhibition of miracles does one attain perfection or knowledge.
He in whom the two currents of Raga-dvesha, egoism, lust and anger are destroyed in toto is ever happy and is a liberated sage or Jivanmukta.
Saints are those whose minds are unruffled, who are free from avarice, who haveconquered desire, and who have brought their senses and internal nature under control, who are devoted to the Lord, and who have no longing for anything, who are the same in pleasure and pain, who are free from attachment, who have the attributes of self-control, and who are content with whatever comes in their way.
If you find mercy and humility in a person, then alone can you know that that person is a Sadhu. His heart will melt at the suffering of others. Man has got a sin-hardened head; when this begins to melt, the Lord manifests Himself there. The Sadhu need not deliver lectures on Panchadasi. He need not necessarily be able to deliver eloquent discourses on the Gita. He may not be able to comment for three hours upon a single Brahma Sutra. But, a sweet aroma will emanate from him. This will attract you to him. This will give you Santi and an inner bliss when you approach him. All your worries and anxieties will disappear as you near him. His very look will elevate you. Each one of his words will inspire you, will engrave itself on the tablet of your heart. Your mature will be transformed. You will turn a new leaf in your life. Such will be his power. Such is the glory of true mercy and humility.
Grace of God Alone Makes Satsanga Possible
Companionship of the great ones is difficult of attainment. It is hardly possible to assign how and when men may be taken into the society of the great. But, once obtained, association with the great ones is infallible in its operation. Love of God is obtained principally and undoubtedly by the grace of the great ones, or in other words, from the touch of divine compassion. Companionship of the great ones is gained by the grace of God alone, because there is no distinction between Him and His men.
There is no difference between God and a realised Bhagavata. Both are identical. A sage is God Himself. The Upanishad declares: “He who knows Brahman becomes Brahman. ”The glow of a sage is infinite and eternal as that of Brahman.
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Satsang in Sivananda's ashram -Rishikesh India |
Satsanga Guards You Against the Unreal Glitter of Worldly Objects
Forget not the goal. In order not to forget the goal, Satsanga is most essential. Satsanga keeps the fire of aspiration alive in your head. It is a shield to protect you from lapsing into lethargy, from gliding back into the old grooves of sense-cravings, from forgetting your goal. Satsanga is your best friend, your spiritual nourishment. Satsanga is greater than your parents; your parents gave the body, but Satsanga gives you spiritual illumination. Satsanga is one of the fundamental means for attaining God-realisation.
Where there is Satsanga, Mahatmas and great saints assemble. They remind you of the Reality; they guard you against the unreal glitter of worldly objects; they save you from the formidable ocean of Samsara. Their glorious example inspires you; their soul-elevating Upadesa is your guide. From Satsanga you get practical lessons in control of mind, concentration and meditation.
The Real Satsanga Bhavan is in Your Own Heart
The Satsanga Bhavan, the place where Satsanga is held, is Vaikuntha, Kailasa or Param-dham, in reality. The real Satsanga Bhavan is in your own heart. There dwells the Sat, the Supreme Reality, that Existence Absolute or Brahman. Control the mind by the practice of Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama. Make the mind one-pointed by the practice of Pratyahara and Dharana. Then meditate on the self, the Atman dwelling in your heart.
You can enter into your own Satsanga Bhavan daily through self-analysis, introspection, enquiry into the nature of the Self. This will lead to Self-realisation, when you will for ever be one with that Sat, the infinite eternal Existence. This is your goal.
Forget not, Maya is very powerful. With all your good intentions,you will forget this your foremost duty. Therefore, come to the Satsanga Bhavan and associate with saints and Yogis who will instruct you how to control the mind, how to practise Brahma-vichara (Self-enquiry), how to wean the mind from sensual objects, how to fill the mind with Sattva. Identification with the body and the mind is the cause for all sufferings.
In reality, you are Satchidananda-svarupa; identification with this real Svarupa is the key to perennial peace and supreme bliss. "Ajo Nityah Sasva Purano": this Atman is unborn, eternal and ancient.
Be regular in your meditation, Japa, Kirtan, prayer. People do kirtan for sometime, attend Satsanga for some time; and then they leave off. This is a sad error. Regularity is of paramount importance in Sadhana. Whatever you do, do regularly. Increase the period of meditation gradually.
Do not be attracted by the tantalising tinsels of this world. Nobody has been benefited by material possessions. You may have crores of rupees in the bank, you may have a hundred motor-cars and a dozen bungalows; but,peace of mind you cannot have from these.You can have peace of mind only if you are regular in Japa, meditation, Kirtan and Satsanga.
Only when you realise the Self (Atman) will you enjoy perennial peace. Construct the Satsanga Bhavan in your own heart through regular and systematic spiritual practice and realise Him, not in the unknown future, but right now this very second. Forget not the goal.
Let me remind you of the last word of the Upanishads. "Tat Tvam Asi": thou art that supreme, infinite, immortal Satchidananda Brahman.
Have constant Nama-smaran; even when you are working, mentally repeat the name of God*. Constantly meditate on God.
Be good. Do good. Be noble. Be gentle. Be generous. Attain Self-realisation through Satsanga, (study of sacred texts), Japa, Kirtan and meditation. May Lord bless you all!
NOTE: Repeat the name of God that your is devoted.
Shiva: Om nama Shivay
Narayana : Om namo Narayanaya
Krishna: Hare Krishna, Om namo Baghavate
Rama: Sri Ram jai Ram, jai jai Ram
Jesus: Om Jesus Christ , Κύριε Ιησού Χριστέ ελέησον με (Kirie Iisu Christe eleison me)
Allah: La illah illa