Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Om! Awakening and Self-Realization by Atman Nityananda


Book: Liberation with the Power of Mantra

🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony

Awakening and Self-Realization by Atman Nityananda

The awakening comes first, followed by the self-realization that arises from it.

I also clarify that awakening does not occur through our deliberate action; we cannot awaken whenever we want by using a specific technique. Awakening happens naturally and spontaneously, by God's grace, at an unexpected moment—a moment when you least expect it; it simply happens.

This does not mean that practice, meditation, and other techniques are unnecessary. We prepare the conditions for awakening through continuous, sincere, and systematic practice. The preparation of the mind through consistent practice is essential, not only for awakening to occur but also to have a pure, harmonious, and luminous mind, which can maintain conscious contact with our true nature, harmonize with it, and express its will.

The Awakening

The word "awakening" is used in different ways, but in its core meaning, awakening is the realization that we are the Consciousness that exists beyond the apparent body-mind-ego-person existence.

I clarify that awakening is not about any kinds of realizations, ecstatic experiences, or experiences from other higher dimensions, no matter how impressive they may be. Awakening is a simple state in which, in a flash of consciousness, it is realized that we are the living, silent presence (Consciousness, Being). I also clarify that awakening is not from the ego (the ego does not awaken), but from the ego, meaning we realize that we are not the ego, nor the mind and body.

When awakening occurs, it simultaneously happens that we realize we are the empty, silent space of Consciousness (in which the body and mind appear) and experience a spontaneous disidentification from the mind and body. With awakening, there is a shift in identity—we now perceive ourselves as the silent presence of Consciousness, not as the person identified with the body and mind.

Recognition of Inner Silence and Awakening

It is also important to distinguish awakening from the recognition of inner silence. The recognition of inner silence and awakening are two different things.

The recognition of inner silence happens from within (individual mind-ego) through intentional, careful observation within, whereas awakening happens spontaneously and unexpectedly, without any specific effort on our part.

Recognition means that, through deliberate, careful inner observation, we become aware of the presence of an inner silence that is constantly present within us and remains unchanged regardless of our experiences (psychological or sensory).

Recognition is not accompanied by the realization that we are the inner silence, nor do we realize that this inner silence is the light of Consciousness, which is our true nature (Being, Divine or Spiritual nature).

In contrast to recognition, awakening is something that happens on its own when the time is ripe (through practice) and by God's grace. In awakening, we do not just recognize the silent field within us, but realize that we are that silent field, and this silence is the living presence of Consciousness, which is our true nature. Additionally, with awakening, we do not become an awakened ego, but rather disidentify from the ego and stop perceiving ourselves as the ego-body-mind-person.

For recognizing inner silence, no special ability is required. By having knowledge about inner silence, we can look within with calm, investigative attention and perceive that there is an immobile, silent field, which is constantly present, independent of our psychological state. The recognition of this internal, silent, ever-present, and unchanging empty space is important for our meditation practice, as well as for maintaining contact with the inner silence (self-awareness) from moment to moment, so that we can avoid identifying with thoughts, feelings, and all psychological manifestations of the mind and ego within us.

I emphasize again that recognition is done by us, the person-mind-ego, while awakening dissolves the illusion that we are the person-mind-ego. Nevertheless, the recognition of inner silence is an essential step on the inner path. Recognition is followed by awakening, and awakening leads to self-realization.

Furthermore, I clarify that awakening does not occur through our deliberate act; we cannot awaken whenever we wish by using a specific technique. Awakening happens naturally and spontaneously, by God's grace, at an unexpected moment—a moment we don't expect; it simply happens.

This does not mean that practice, meditation, and other techniques are unnecessary. We prepare the conditions for awakening through continuous, sincere, and systematic practice. The preparation of the mind through consistent practice is essential, not only for awakening to occur but also to have a pure, harmonious, and luminous mind, so that it can remain in conscious contact with our true nature, harmonize with it, and express its will.