Friday, January 27, 2023

Om! The existential void by Atman Nityananda

The existential void

by Atman Nityananda 

Our existential void is due to ignorance of our divine nature and the development of the ego in our psyche, which involves identification with the body, mind and objects, people and situations.

If we ignore our true Self (Consciousness, Being), if we do not live in conscious contact with our divine essence, we cannot live with peace, fullness and deep contentment. We will always have a sense of lack, of dissatisfaction, an existential void that we will try in vain to fill with sensory experiences and illusory pleasures.

If our actions, deeds, thoughts and emotions do not vibrate in harmony with our Soul, we will feel that something is missing, we will experience a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction.


The existential void is not filled with objects, pleasures, sensory experiences and worldly successes, but only with the conscious connection with our source, our divine nature (Consciousness, Self, Atman).

The existential void can only be filled by conscious connection with our source, our divine nature (Consciousness, Self, Atman).

🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony