


Sunday, December 13, 2015

Some of ego's mechanisms / Atman Nityananda

Some of the main mechanisms that uses the the ego 
in order to keep us under its dominion

The ego makes us feel and believe that we are the ego itself. 

The ego keeps us in a state of non acceptance and resistance to what happens in the moment. 

The ego uses the thinking mind and modifies, removes or adds and misinterprets what is happening or what we feel. Thus makes us not to be aware of the real cause of our suffering and thus we are not capable to find the right solution. While in reality our ego is almost always the real cause of our problems and suffering the ego doesn’t allow us to be aware of it.

The ego projects itself to other persons, objects and situations; projects on them its illusions and fantasies and identifies with them. Thus we do not see things and persons as they are but as the ego wants to see them. Thus we create wrong relations with them which finally create pain and suffering.

The ego makes us feel fear and guilt creating a very strong identification with our body and egoic mind; thus ego keeps our consciousness and concious mind more trapped in it.

The ego projects to other people its mental or emotional state. Thus we create wrong relations with them which finally create pain and suffering.

The ego makes us criticize or blame to others in order to feel superior. Thus the ego experiences an illusory pleasure and strengthen itself.

The ego makes us complain to others or compare ourselves with others.

The ego makes us believe that we cannot do anything to eliminate it. By doing nothing we remain in his dominion.

The ego makes us feel unsatisfied, anxious, inadequate or incomplete; this way ego make us feel a kind of suffering. In order to get rid of this the ego drive us towards sensual, external success, competition etc.. But by doing this we feed only the ego which becomes stronger.

The ego makes us do not admit that we have a negative attribute or defect

The ego makes us postpone what we have to do now.

The ego makes us not want to be aware of the defect or be afraid to be aware of the defect. 

The ego makes us blame or justify our self. Thus the ego becomes stronger

The ego makes us consider responsible the others or life for what we are experiencing.

The ego makes us say that others do the same thing we do or they have the same defect in order to justify itself.

The ego makes us feel despair in order to abandon practice.

The ego makes us think that we are weak and incapable to eliminate the ego 

The ego makes us believe that it is not for us the spiritual practices.

Peace, Love Harmony