


Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Om! Guidelines for spiritual development - Atman Nityananda

Guidelines for spiritual development and the dissolution of the ego

Practices and our attitude

The most important thing on the spiritual path isn't the techniques, the practices, or the path we follow (bhakti yoga, jnana yoga, Zen, Buddhism, meditation, etc.) but our determination, sincerity, self-confidence, devotion, dedication and willingness to do our best without a break until the realization of truth.

Discovery and dissolution of ego I

The ego is an unreasonable, illogical, compulsive and reactive energetic entity in us. If we are not alert and vigilant enough the ego dominates our five centers: intellectual, emotional, sexual, motor and instinctive and uses the, according its appetite.

The majority of earthlings is completely identified with their ego and considers the ego as their own self. Although they experience their true nature they cannot discern between the ego and the true self and thus they become preys in the ego`s teeth.

In order to overcome the dominance of our ego it is very essential to be alert and vigilant and develop self-awareness. It is necessary to disidentify from the egoic tendencies which are expressed in the mind as thought patterns and in the heart as emotions. We must create a distance from the egoic play through meditation and detached observation of mind and heart. This is really a difficult task but there is no other way to free ourselves from the ego and rejoice the peace and bliss of our true nature.

We must observe moment to moment our five centers (mental, emotional ,etc.) carefully in order to note and be aware how the ego works through them, how the ego makes us believe the mental and emotional forms as real and how  makes us believe that we are the ego itself. 

We can discover all egoic patterns observing the five centers moment to moment. Every thought, emotion and reaction of the body gives us information about the different aspects of the ego which are crystallized in our psyche.

It is essential to stop identifying with the egoic thought patterns and emotions, to observe them carefully, to note their context and taste (each ego or emotion has a particular taste) and find out what desire, or need, is behind these thoughts and emotions; it is true that the origin of thoughts and emotions is a desire (the essential nature of ego is lust and desire) or a `need` and it is important to discover this in order to understand it and eliminate it from our psych. For example when we think about delicious foods it is certain that behind this streaming of thoughts is the ego of gluttony; similarly behind the thoughts of sex pleasure is the la sexual lust or lasciviousness. The same happens with jealousy, greed, pride, hatred, avarice etc.. The ego can use also the mask of a good person, a saint or a sage in order to achieve what desires.

We cannot free ourselves from something we ignore or we know superficially. It is necessary to be more and more conscious of each ego to understand its illusory nature and dissolve it by proper means. We cannot free ourselves from the various thought and emotional patterns without a deep acceptance of the condition we are in and without to remove the desire that produces them.

Discovery and dissolution of ego II

Being aware of myself (self-awareness), vigilance and self-observation moment to moment as well as acceptance, reflection, understanding, and elimination of the egoic tendencies are the essential steps to free our psyche of all psychological disorders and suffering.

In every moment and every external situation, whatever it is (even the most apparently insignificant), if we are vigilant and self-conscious we have the opportunity to discover the egos we carry in our subconscious mind.

Do not underestimate any event, circumstance and behavior of your own. In these you will find the egos that prevent you realize that you are Divine Consciousness, peace, love and joy without limits. Moreover, if we cannot be self-aware, vigilant and observe ourselves carefully at the 'easy' times, could we  succeed in difficult situations?

So, it is of great importance to do our best at all times, especially in the easy or favorable moments and thus we prepare ourselves to do it successfully in the difficult ones.

Besides of being alert, self-aware and observe our five centers from moment to moment it is also necessary to practice every day, morning and evening, in our place in order to cultivate and develop all necessary skills that enables us have progress in the inner work. We must practice self-awareness, self-observation, vigilance, detachment and concentration in favorable conditions, in our place, so as to be prepared to apply them successfully during all day in the everyday life conditions and circumstances; -at work, in the market, on the street, on the bus, at school, in meetings with family with friends etc. Moreover practices like meditation can be practiced profoundly only in isolation in a place we have dedicate it for this purpose.

Our ability to apply effectively the practices will develop gradually according our interest, motivation, enthusiasm, intensity, sincerity, devotion and the time we spend on that.

If you want to make progress on the spiritual path it is also imperative to seek the company of enlightened beings or sages and if this is not possible the company of advanced disciples. 

Below four great spiritual masters:


Babaji's recent physical manifestation was between 1970 to 1984, when He appeared in a holy cave at the foot of the Kumaon Mount Kailash in a remote village called Haidakhan. Many people, from all over the world, have mystically been drawn to Babaji through extraordinary events, dreams and visions and are receiving His Blessings.



Swami Sivananda radiated his divine and lofty message of service, meditation and God-realization to all parts of the world through his books, running to more than three hundred, through periodicals and letters. His devoted disciples are drawn from all religions, cults and creeds in the world.

As a boy of sixteen in 1896, he challenged death by a penetrating enquiry into the source of his being. Later hailed as Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi he revealed the direct path of practice of Self-enquiry and awakened mankind to the immense spiritual power of the holy Arunachala Hill, the spiritual heart of the world.Study his teachings, discover his Ashram, listen to audio and view video recordings.


Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism). Sri Nisargadatta, with his direct and minimalistic explanation of non-dualism, is considered the most famous teacher of Advaita since Ramana Maharshi. In 1973, the publication of his most famous and widely-translated book, "I AM THAT",

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

It is also higly reccomended to do sadhana in sacred places, in ashrams of great masters in which the presence of divine energies is very strong, as well as in the nature where the energy is very pure and thus our mind can more easily be tranquil and serene. On the other hand we must avoid relationships (especially intimate relations) with worldly people, and maintain relationships with people who they are also devoted on the spiritual path.

Below the ashrams of these great masters:





Peace, Love, Harmony