


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Liberation is achieved by dissolving the seeds of the ego 'Swami Sivananda

Liberation is achieved by dissolving the seeds of the ego.

616. When you perform an action, it leaves a residue (Samskara) in Chitta (the subconscious mind). This Samskara will bring forth fruits in future births. Asamprajñata Samadhi will totally destroy the ―operational residues of actions

798. The gross forms of pride, desires, Ahamkara can be vanished through Sadhana. Through continued efforts to remember God, you must destroy the subtle forms of lust, selfishness, arrogance, and pride. Its seeds must be fried through Samadhi, through Sahaja Nishtha, so that they no longer germinate. Only then will you be perfectly safe. You will be free from future births and deaths.