


Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The ego's play of pain and pleasure ~ Atman Nityananda

The ego's play of pain and pleasure

Feeling uneasiness, insatisafcation, a sense of lacking are emotional expressions of the ego (the ego essnetially is desiring) by which the ego can easily drive us towards a pleasurable experience.

It is the main strategy of the ego to make us feel emotionally uncoftable in order to drive us to a pleasurable sensory experience.

The main desire of ego is experience some kind of pleasure or pleasant sensation. It is easier for the ego to impel us seek a pleasurable sensory experience when first makes us feel emotionally 'badly'.

It is the ego that creates the above mentioned emotions (more precesely it is the ego itself that asumes the form of instatsfaction, uneasiness, sense of lacking, etc.) , it is the ego that wants to escape from these emotions, it is the ego that wants to experience some kind of sensory pleasure or pleasant sensation.

The problem is that we identify with the ego and we cannot see cleraly all this play of the ego by which it traps and holds us under its dominion.

Moment to moment vigilance, Self-awareness (being aware of the silent space of awareness), self-observation and desidentification from thoughts, emotions, sensations, impulses is what is needed to dissove the ego.