


Thursday, December 14, 2017


 by  David Frawley

 Prana, Tejas and Ojas are the three subtle counterparts or "three vital essences" of the three Doshas (Vata-Pitta-Kapha). These are the root forms of Vata, Pitta and Kapha which, if reoriented properly, unfold the extraordinary potentials of yogic development.

1) PRANA -Primal Life-force -The subtle energy of air, the master force and guiding intelligence behind all psychophysical processes, responsible for coordination of breath, senses, mind and consciousness. On an inner level, it governs the unfoldment of all higher states of awareness.
2) TEJAS -Inner radiance -The subtle energy of fire or radiance of vitality through which we digest air, impressions and thoughts. On an inner level, it governs the unfoldment of all higher perceptual capacities.
3) OJAS -Primal vigor -The subtle energy of water, the internalized essence of digested food, water, air, impressions and thought, the basis for patience, control of the senses and mental endurance. On an inner level, it is responsible for supporting and grounding the development of all higher faculties. 
Ojas is the underlying fluid-essence, derived from food, which supports and stabilizes the mind, particularly the senses, will and emotional nature (Manas). The reproductive fluid becomes Ojas, which in turn becomes the substance of the sense mind and emotions.

The reproductive fluid, is the container is  Prana, Tejas and Ojas in the physical body

 Prana, Tejas and Ojas are supported by the reproductive fluid, which functions as their container in the physical body. Prana is the life-creating capacity inherent ίπ the reproductive fluid, Tejas is its capacity to create warmth and to give lustre to the skin, Ojas is its power of endurance and ability to sustain us not only sexually, but through all forms of exertion.  

When Prana is weak, our life-creating potential low, and impotence, infertility or sterility can occur, along with lack of motivation and creativity ίπ the mind. When Tejas is weak, we lack warmth and vitality, which is why we feel cold when sexually depleted. Our acuteness of thought and perception suffers. When Ojas is low, physical endurance and mental patience decline. We are unable to tolerate things, particularly disturbing emotions or strong sensory impressions like noise or bright Lights. 

Without sufficient reproductive tissue (shukra dhatu), we will suffer from inadequate Prana, Tejas and Ojas. The reproductive tissue becomes Ojas, which ίπ turn becomes the fuel for Tejas and serves to ground and hold Prana.

If they accumulate in an integral way, they can bring a great inner transformation as well as improve health and vitality.

Increased Prana is necessary to provide the enthusiasm, creativity and adaptability necessary for the spiritual path, without which we lack the energy and motivation to go forward or to do our practices.

Increased Tejas is necessary for the courage, fearlessness, perception, and insight to take us along the path, without which we will make wrong choices and judgements or fail to be decisive in what we do.

Increased Ojas is necessary for the peace and patience required to keep our development consistent, without which we will lack steadiness and balance along our path.


When PRANA is too low, we lack in mental energy, enthusiasm and curiosity. Our life-force and healing energy is low and we allow no new energy into our lives. Our mind and senses become dull, heavy and without motivation. Our attitudes will be conservative and rigid and our will be under the rule of the past.
When TEJAS is too low, we lack in capacity to inquire or discern. We uncritically accept things and lose the power to learn from or digest our experiences. Mentally, we become too passive and impressionable and come under the domination or influence of others. We lack in purpose or have no real goal in life. We will be fearful and lack courage.
When OJAS is too low, we lack in self-confidence, are unable to concentrate, have poor memory and lack in faith. There will be πο consistency to our thoughts or balance to our emotions. Nervous exhaustion or mental breakdowns are likely. 

Signs of insufficient Prana, Tejas and Ojas

 Insufficient Ojas is revealed by weak immune function, low sexual vitality, lack of stamina, lack of patience, difficulty sleeping, ungroundedness and anxiety. 
Insufficient Tejas is indicated by cold extremities, weak digestion, cloudy perception, indecisiveness and poor judgment. 
Insufficient Prana shows in lack of energy and motivation, in attachment and unwillingness to change. 


Prana, Tejas and Ojas exist on deeper levels as well. There is a Pranic force behind the mind that allows it to move and respond and which keeps it in balance. There is a Tejas force behind the mind that allows it to perceive and to determine, to digest impressions, ideas and emotions. There is an Ojas force behind the mind that gives it patience and endurance, allowing it to resist disturbances.

Similarly, there is a Prana in our deeper consciousness that sustains us through the entire process of rebirth, imparting life to all the different bodies that we incarnate in There is a Tejas, the accumulated insight and vitality of our spiritual aspiration. There is an Ojas that is the power through which the soul produces all its various bodies. On the level of the soul, Prana, Tejas and Ojas are the original life, light and love. 


Kundalini is the heightened energy of Tejas, which requires the proper Ojas to sustain it and the proper Prana to move it. Kundalini is the core internal fire that brings about all inner transformations. While much has been said of it ίπ recent years, its related forces of Ojas and Prana have seldom been explained properly.

Kundalini or Tejas is the higher feminine energy within us that aspires to divinity. It is the Yoga Shakti, the power of Yoga, necessary to catalyze all higher evolutionary potentials within us. While it iS the key to yogic alchemy, it must be understood ίπ the context of its related forces.


Opposite to Kundalini is the Amrit or nectar that descends from the crown chakra and feeds the Kundalini ίπ her upward ascent. This is the purified Ojas energy in the subtle body, which has been extracted and distilled through spiritual practices. Ojas is the higher masculine energy which, through surrender, care and protection, brings about the descent of grace.


The union of Tejas (Kundalini) and Ojas (Amrit) creates the highest Prana, which is the immortal life energy. This alone has the power to create the higher samadhis (spiritual absorptions) necessary to dissolve the deep-seated conditionings (samskaras) in our consciousness (Chitta) that cause our attachment to the cycle of birth and death. This immortal Prana is the Divine child who is 'the child of immortality.