


Friday, December 22, 2023

The Three Governing Factors of Sadhana (spiritual practice) by Swami Sivananda

The Three Governing Factors of Sadhana (spiritual practice)
by Swami Sivananda

Many people even after studying classic works on religion and philosophy, do not know what they should do in practice to attain the goal of life, viz., God-realization, and they seek enlightenment on this. The three things essential for God-realization are:

1) constant remembrance of God,
2) cultivation of virtues and
3) spiritualization of all activities.

1. Constant remembrance of God:
There may be breaks in the beginning, but by repeated practice, gradually you can have constant remembrance. Constant mental repetition of God's Name (Namasmarana), alone is possible for the vast majority of people. Awakening of Kundalini and raising of Brahmakara Vritti are very, very difficult, but when the mind is purified, they would come automatically.

2. Cultivation of virtues:
Of all virtues Ahimsa (non-injury), Satya (truthfulness) and Brahmacharya (celibacy) are the most important. If one is established in one virtue, all other virtues will cling to him. Watch the Vrittis (thoughts, mental and emotional modifications). Introspect. Develop purity in thought, word and deed. In the beginning, practise at least physical purity. Then mental purity will come by itself.

3. Spiritualisation of all activities:

Feel you are an instrument in the Lord's hands and that all the Indriyas (senses) belong to Him. Repeat the formula: "I am Thine; all is Thine; Thy Will be done." It is a beautiful formula for self-surrender. You may forget this formula and egoism may assert itself. But introspect again and again and find out your weakness. Try to be established in the feeling, "I am an instrument in the hands of the Lord." Remember the Gita verse:


Whatever you do, or eat, or offer in sacrifice, or give, or practice as austerity, do it as an offering unto Me.   - Bhagavad Gita IX-27

Abandoning all duties, take refuge in Me (the Lord) alone; I will liberate thee from all sins, grieve not.   - Bhagavad Gita XVIII-66
These are Saranagati formulas (formulas of Self-surrender)

After the day's work, offer whatever you have done to God. Do not identify yourself with actions. Feel that you are doing your duty as a detached instrument of the Lord's benevolence.

Kayena vacha manasendriyairva
buddhyatmana va prakritessvabhavat,
Karomi yadyat sakalam parasmai
Narayanayeti samarpayami.

Offer all actions and their fruits to God. Then you will not be bound. In this way you should spiritualise all your activities. Feel that the whole world is a manifestation of the Lord and you are serving the Lord in all names and forms, and whatever you do-your actions and the results thereof consecrate to the Lord. Then your heart will be purified and will be ready to receive the divine light and grace.

Therefore, practice the three requisites: constant remembrance of God, spiritualising your activities and cultivating virtues.

These three are very important. Practise them. This is the easiest, the quickest and the surest method for attaining God-realization.

This Atman is hidden in all beings, but it is seen only by subtle seers through their sharp and subtle intellect. - Katha

The intellect should be razor-sharp if you wish to understand the Brahma Sutras properly. All are not meant for it. Even then practical experience is essential. 
Therefore, to the vast majority, constant remembrance of the Lord, spiritualization of all activities and cultivation of virtues.  Ahimsa (Non-violence), Satya (Thruhfullness), Brahmacharya (Celibacy), form the most important part of Sadhana. These also constitute the noble eightfold path of Lord Buddha. These also correspond to the "Sermon on the Mount" of Lord Jesus. These are the essentials in all religions. So, kindly practice these, and attain God-realization. Love all. Be good and do good. 

May Lord bless you all.