


Monday, October 10, 2016

Om! Anger and its elimination part II / Atman Nityananda

Anger and its elimination part II / Atman Nityananda

The destroyer of peace is anger,
the destroyer of happiness is anger,
the destroyer of harmony is anger,
the destroyer of unity and love is anger,


are all varieties of anger, classified according to their taste and the degree of intensity.

Desire and lust are the chief causes of anger. More precise anger is a modification of desire. (see also below "Bhagavad Gita Ch II V. 62.).

Both desire and anger are born of the quality (guna) of Rajas which is one of the three gunas that tight the Soul in the Samsara. Identification with gunas creates bondage and the development of the egoic self or ego with its innumerable expressions (anger, jealousy, hated, envy, pride, arrogance, vanity etc.). Ego causes separation, imbalances, disequilibrium, disharmony, diseases and suffering individually and collectively.

~~~ READ about the three gunas here:
When situations doesn't happen as we wish or expect, when we don't meet our expectations, when people don't behave as we wish, when they diminish (or we think they do it) our self-image, when they impede us get what we want, when they disturb us while we are concentrated on something, when we don't get or don't achieve what we want or expect then anger arises asssuming one of the above forms.

There are many anger's conditioned patterns stored in our subconscious. That means that under certain circumstances, situations, behavior of others, and sesory inputs, we react compulsively with some type of anger. The emotion of anger is linked or associated with them as well as with certain thoughts, and in their presence or in their remembrance anger arises automatically.

Thoughts, images, sensory inputs (sounds, images etc.), words and emotions, (in this case anger) , are linked together as a whole and are stored in the subconscious. When one or some of them appears in our awareness then they trigger the anger which is manifested in the twinkle of an eye and without our volition and conscious will.

Unfortunately most identify with anger and take it as something innate of their nature, as something that belongs to them while it is only a distortion of sexual energy and psychic prana; while it is something that has been developed in our psyche, due to the very fact that we lost the awareness of our divine nature (Atman, Consciousness) and our unity with the divine Conscousness (God, Brahman, Spirit ...).

Most therapists and even spiritual instructors accept anger as something natural in our psychology. 

By identifying with anger we are possed competely by anger and we behave in a disharmonious, blind and destructive way. By identifying with anger we become victims of anger and also we increase anger. We become blind and confused by anger. Our discernment, reason and clarity of mind are annihilated. We become unable to see things as they are, to understand and act with love and unity and according the needs of the circumastances. We see our fellows (even our husband/wife, brothers, parents, children) like enemies.

When anger is manifested we think, speak and act under the influence of anger. What we think, say and do are influenced tremendously by the anger energy. How much? Depends on the power of expression of anger, our state of conscousness that moment, our mental state,(sattvic, rajasic, tamasic) our capacities and capabilites, the enviroment, the vibrational and mental state of the people we confront, our level of energy, of the previous experiences of our day, of the difficultes or serious problems that we may have during that period of time. etc.

Anger affects negatively all aspects of our existence (body, prana-vital energy, feelings, mind and intellect) and of course impede us of being aware of our true Self (Atman), the silent space of Consciousness which is the source and the support of everything as well as an ocean of peace, freedom, fullness and bliss unlimited and eternal.

Emotional and mental disharmony and disturbances as well as psychosomatic diseases have as cause the anger.
Anger causes disharmonious relations, hostility and violence. We say and do things that we regret when we anger passes away. Accumulated anger becomes, hatred, rancor, malice, malevolence.


Neither suppression nor expression can free us from anger. Both maintain and increase anger in our psyche. Suppression plus can cause blockages of the natural flow of vital energy, emotional and mental disequilibrium and disturbances, uncontrollable behavior and psychosomatic diseases.


Obviously first of all it is a matter of interest, of how much you want to be free from anger's clutches. Without motivation, interest and intention we cannot achieve anything.
Then we need knowledge and help from outside (spiritual teachers and instructors, psychologists, therapists, knowledge from books, videos, internet etc.) and rediscover and utilize our inner resources. We must develop Self-awareness, vigilance and alertness, detached observation, disidentification from thoughts and emotions, self-examination, discernment, reflection, make a plan and apply with steadfastness, faith and determination various methods, means and techniques.

Make a list with all situations or circumastases that you find yourself under the dominion of some type of anger.
Then make a plan and follow it with tenacity, patience, perseverence, , coherence, sincerity , determination and self-confidence.
Find the means and the methods to eradicate or dissolve one by one each special expression of anger.

Prayer, japa-mantra, repetetion of the names of God, disidentification, self-inquiry, Sel-awareness,one-pointed discriminative enquiry, meditation, increasing Sattva Guna and reducing Rajas and Tamas in your mind, visualization with conscious breathing, purification of the 49 subconscious levels, EFT (tapping), Sedona, method, cultivating forgiveness, the development of opposite virtues (love, peace, compassion ..), Bach flowers, the pranic healing, reiki, sattvic food, etc., are some of the ways or the methods we can use to eliminate gradually the energy of anger.

No matter the difficulties, the adversistes, the resistance of your egoic self and the temporary disappointments due to the delay of positive results if you practice diligently, with faith and determination at the end you will succeed to dissolve the anger.

It is only a matter of diligent practice, patientce, perseverence and faith.


By dissolving one case of anger the whole field of anger-energy is reduced. We learn how to manage and dissolve the anger energy. Then we can dissolve the next case of anger more easily. Gradually we will become more and more capable to manage and dissolve the anger energy.

Our capacities related to our work with anger such as (Dettachment, disspasionate observation, full attention, sellf-awareness etc.) as well as our capacity to apply the techniques or practices will develope as well. These capacities and techniques are also related with the elimination of all other egoic tendencies Thus we become more and more capable to eliminate other egoic tendencies as well.

Of course by freeing your mind from anger you will enjoy more peace and happiness as well as happier and harmonious relations. Anger exausts our energy. Thus by dissloving anger you save a lot of energy and you will have more energy to accomplish your goals.

Finally by dissolving anger and desires we open the gates for Sef-realization and of unalloyed peace and bliss!



56. He whose mind is not shaken by adversity, who does not hanker after pleasures, and who is free from attachment, fear and anger, is called a sage of steady wisdom.


The sage who has realised Brahman and is always absorbed in It does not have any rebirth. Such a sage sees Brahman within and without—within as the static and transcendent Brahman, and without as the entire universe. He sees the one Self in all beings and creatures—in a cow, an elephant, and even in a dog and an outcaste. He is ever free from joy and grief and enjoys eternal peace and happiness. He does not depend upon the senses for his satisfaction. On the other hand the enjoyments of the senses are generators of pain. They are impermanent. Sri Krishna reminds Arjuna that desire is the main cause of pain and suffering. It is the cause of anger. Therefore, the aspirant should try to eradicate desire and anger if he is to reach the Supreme.
The Lord concludes by describing how to control the senses, mind and intellect by concentrating between the eyebrows and practising Pranayama. One who has achieved perfect control of the outgoing senses and is freed from desire, anger and fear attains liberation and enjoys perfect peace. ~ Swami Sivananda

62. When a man thinks of the objects, attachment to them arises; from attachment desire is born; from desire anger arises.

63. From anger comes delusion; from delusion the loss of memory; from loss of memory the destruction of discrimination; from the destruction of discrimination he perishes.


37. It is desire, it is anger born of the quality of Rajas, all-sinful and all-devouring; know this as the foe here (in this world).


23. He who is able, while still here in this world to withstand, before the liberation from the body, the impulse born of desire and anger—he is a Yogi, he is a happy man.
24. He who is ever happy within, who rejoices within, who is illumined within, such a Yogi attains absolute freedom (Moksha), himself becoming Brahman.

Read more articles about anger: