


Sunday, August 21, 2016

Our suffering and our bondage have two basic causes. / Atman Nityananda

Our suffering and our bondage have two basic causes.

Addiction to pleasure
Need for acceptance and recognition

We are victims of our addiction and consequently the attachment to sensory pleasures and our conditioning to seek compulsively be accepted (or not to be rejected) by 'others' and have a good opinion about us! Together with this develops in us the belief that we must be superior at least on something!

The former is related to lust and desire and the later to pride, self-image, self-worthiness.

Due to ignorance we identify the 'myself' with our body and our mind (thus we sense and believe: ´´I am the body´´ or ´´the body is me´´) , with our appearance, the physical and mental abilities and our achievements!

The medicine to free ourselves from both is to realize ur true or divine nature.

Because by realizing our true Self we experience a bliss and plenitude incomparable to any sensory pleasure and secondly we disidentify completely from the body and mind, the ego dissolves together with all of its branches and we experience the unity with everyone and everything. We see ourselves in everyone and everyone in ourselves. The realization that we are all dispels any need for comparison, superiority, need to be loved, accepted and the fear rejection.

Free from ego and in Yoga with the supreme consciousness we live the freedom, peace and bliiss eternal!