


Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Passions of the Psyche (mind, Psychology) by Atman Nityananda

The Passions of the Psyche (mind, Psychology)

Passions (faults, defects) are psychological elements that are not natural or inherent constituents of the mind and psyche (psychology) but have developed in our psyche due to unconscious living and ignorance of our divine nature.

The passions or faults of the mind and psyche, in general, cause our mind and psyche to suffer, dysfunction, under-function (below its potential), and cause us pain and unhappiness on both an individual and collective level.

The following psychological elements (passions, faults) that we carry in our psyche keep us in a state of unconsciousness, ignorance, paranoia, separateness, misery, and unhappiness.

Working with and eliminating them from our psyche is of paramount importance for achieving our transformation into true human beings primarily and then into spiritual beings, that is, beings of light, love, peace, awakened, and living in conscious union with their divine nature.

This list mentions the most fundamental ones on which the rest develop.


Self-love, pride, Conceit, Arrogance, Narcissism

Desire as:
Love for hedonism (lust, gluttony)
Love of power
Ambition, Vanity


Envy, Jealousy
Anger, Hatred, rage, Resentment (and all other aspects of anger)
Fear, Insecurity, anxiety (and all other aspects of fear)
Indolence, Laziness,

Two important pairs

Like – dislike,
Attraction – Repulsion


Attachment & identification with all of them

Without their elimination, there is no freedom, enlightenment, self-realization, and liberation from matter and suffering.