


Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Desire and emotions. - Atman Nityananda

 Desire and emotions!

Lower emotions are children of desire. Attachment, fear, anger, exhilaration, grief or depression, pleasure and pain, ike dislike, attraction-repulsion, love-hatred,  jealousy, greed, vanity, pride all are children of desire. 

However, desire is the essential nature of Ego. Hence, all lower emotions are only an expression of the desirous Ego..

Follows extract of Swami Sivananda

Emotions and impulses co-exist with desire.

Desire is a motive force. It is desire that sets the mind in motion. 

Emotions are desires which are penetrated by the thought element.

In other words, emotion is desire mingled with thought. 

The vibrations of emotions will arouse corresponding excitement in purely mental matter and all the man’s thoughts will be disturbed and distorted.

When there is a desire, Raga and Dvesha  (like and dislike or love and hatred or attraction and repulsion) exist side by side in the mind. 

It is a symptom of weakness to have emotions in the mind. They should be controlled bythe intellect and the will.