


Sunday, December 27, 2020

Om! Happiness lies within - Atman Nityananda


Happiness lies within

Happiness is the very nature of the Self; happiness and the Self are not different. There is no happiness in any object of the world. 

We imagine through our ignorance that we derive happiness from objects. When the mind goes out, it experiences misery. In truth, when its desires are fulfilled, it returns to its own place and enjoys the happiness that is the Self. 

-Ramanan Maharshi

Another great illusion that the ego creates is that projects and superimposes on the objects qualities that they do not have.

Ego projects on the objects happiness, pleasure and pain and to the people its own qualities. 

Because of this miraculous delusion the ego makes us seek happiness outside from ourselves. So we are caught in the net of desires, pleasures and suffering.

Of course the interaction between our mind and the external objects can create pleasant or unpleasant sensations but cannot cause happiness or pleasure. Moreover these sensations (pleasant or unpleasant ) in reality are created in the mind and by the mind alone. 

The same object can be one time pleasant and other time unpleasant. For example if the weather is cool a very thick overcoat will make us feel pleasant. But if it is very hot the same overcoat will make us feel discomfort and unpleasant. Our physical and mental constitution and the previous experiences also determine what can be pleasant or unpleasant to us.

Only when the external conditions and our mind, body and senses are healthy and in appropriate condition the experience of sense objects can be pleasant.

Pleasant sensations are created by the interaction of mind with the objects under certain conditions but pleasure and happiness are projected on them and has nothing to do with the objects.

Happiness is an attribute of our Soul and the pleasure that is projected on the objects is memorized or crystallized sexual pleasure in our mind and energy field. 

This projection of happiness and pleasure on the external objects happens due to the power of rajas guna and we are unable to be conscious of it because it is veiled by the power of tamas guna. This happens in a twinkle of an eye and is extremely difficult for ordinary persons to be aware of it. 

Only very advanced meditators endowed with pure sattvic minds can possibly have the capacity to be aware of this illusion created by the gunas and the ego.

When by increasing the sattva quality in our mind and by discrimination (discernment) and enquiry we will be aware of this illusory projection and when we be aware of the defects of the sensual pleasures then naturally can arise in us the dispassion or indifference towards sensual pleasures. 

Discrimination (discernment) and dispassion or indifference and detachment are the most important pillars of Self-realization. Without to develop them in a high degree liberation is not possible.

The experience of real happiness (ananda-bliss)

Bliss lies always within our heart, it is an attribute of Consciousness, but we do not experience it because our mind is always agitated and extroverted and we are always in a state of emotional turmoil.
We can experience happiness only when the mind is tranquil and rests in our heart. Desires, fears, anger etc. keep the mind always agitated and the prana (vital energy) contracted. This condition is experienced as suffering. 

When a desire is fulfilled the mind becomes for a while calm, concentrated and introverted. In this mental state the mind reflects naturally the happiness of our inner Self or Consciousness. But we do not recognize it because the ego puts a veil in this process. We think that we experience happiness because we got the desired object.

Due to fulfillment of desires we can experience a little happiness but due to desire, attachment and greed we experience a lot of psychological suffering, bondage and separation. We cannot have desires and pleasures without experiencing suffering because all psychological disorders and defects (fear, anger, depression,  jealousy, avarice, pride,etc.) are only modifications of desire. The impulse or the energy of desire has a heavy vibration which is experienced as suffering. More over desires are insatiable and there is no way to be free from the painful impulses of desire if we try always to fulfill them. 

The spiritual way to happiness

On the other hand there is a way to experience the happiness of our true Self within, without to suffer painful consequences. This is the spiritual way. By purification, self-control, discernment, non-attachment, meditation and self-enquiry we can consciously abide always in our heart and experience the bliss of our own existence.

Freedom, peace and bliss is what we really are but the ego and desires cloud our intelligence and we fail to realize it.  
Ego is our true enemy and not the objects by themselves. If by intense spiritual practices we eliminate from our psych this psychological virus of ego and desires we can experience always unalloyed bliss, peace and freedom.This is our destiny and our eternal abode.

May God bless you realize your true nature in this very life and be Free for ever!

Extract from the essay What ego really is