


Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Equanimity of mind and elimination of raga-dvesha (attraction and repulsion) ¬ Swami Sivanadna

Equanimity of mind and elimination of raga-dvesha (attraction and repulsion)
¬ Swami Sivanadna

The undisciplined mind is like a wild horse. When you are established in Samata (equanimity, tranquility) state you will have a novel pleasure, an infinite bliss. Samata state should be obtained by slow mehtal training. The two currents in the mind attraction and repulsion (Raga-dvesha,), should be destroyed. Samata state increases the development of the will.

All varieties of emotions emanate from this single emotion, attraction and repulsion (Raga-dvesha). It is these currents that drag you out to activity. They are the enemies of self-surrender. Destroy desires and egoism. Kill out the thirsting for life, objects and sense-enjoyments (Abhinivesa).

Develop Viveka (discerment, discrimination), Vairagya (dispassion), Titiksha (endurance to adversities), Udasinata, Vichara (capacity to do enquiry). Have constant Satsanga. These currents will die out. It is these currents that create the ideas of pleasure and pain, friend and enemy, heat and cold, good and bad, the different dualities (Dvandvas). The dualities (Dvandvas) are illusory.