


Friday, January 13, 2017

EMOTIONS & DESIRE ~ Atman Nityananda

When a man’s desire is not gratified and when someone stands in the way of its fulfillment, the man becomes angry. The desire gets transformed into anger. Anger is only a modification or form of desire. Anger is desire itself.”
“All evil qualities and actions proceed from anger.”
                                                                                           ~ Swami Sivananda


All negatives emotions are only modifications or transformations of desire. The desire is a kind of psychic energy which manifests almost constantly and assumes various forms. Among them are the emotions of like-dislike, disgust, discontentment, impatience, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, distress, aversion, attraction, repulsion, depression, fear, greed, anxiety, malaise, resentment, irritability, anger, hatred, envy, jealousy, etc.

The primary desire is to desire to incarnate in a physical body in order to have sensory experiences. In this principal desire all other desires are developed. The fundamental desires are: desire for pleasure (especially sex, food, drinks and other substances), money, power, possessions, comfort, fame and name.

The desire is also identical with what we call ego or egoism that make us identify with the body (make us feel 'the body is me') and separates us from God and life. The ego is only the innumerable expressions of desire.

The death of desire brings the death of the ego and vice-versa, the death of the ego brings the death of desire and all negative emotions and tendencies.

The state free from the ego-desire and the rest is the state of liberation or enlightenment and results in total Oneness with God.

"Freedom is in detachment and desirelessness."

"Eradication and extinction of desires lead to the sublime state of supreme bliss and perfect freedom."
~ Swami Sivananda

276. As the mind becomes gradually established in the Inmost Self, it proportionately gives up the desires for external objects. And when all such desires have been eliminated, there takes place the unobstructed realisation of the Atman.

277. The Yogi’s mind dies, being constantly fixed on his own Self. Thence follows the cessation of desires.

526. To the man who has realised his own nature, and drinks the undiluted Bliss of the Self, there is nothing more exhilarating than the quietude that comes of a state of desirelessness.

540. The sage, living alone, enjoys the sense-objects, being the very embodiment of desirelessness – always satisfied with his own Self, and himself present at the All.

~ Vivekachudamani of Adisankaracharya