


Friday, February 26, 2016

Dissolution of desire-emotions-compulsive or mechanical thinking -Atman Nityananda

Dissolution of desire-emotions-compulsive or mechanical thinking

The experience of pleasure is converted into longing the longing into desire and passion and the desire to attachment and addiction. According the circumstances the desire modifies itself and assumes the form or expression of impatience, anxiety, anger, fear, disappointment, depression, frustration as well as all other negative emotions. All negative emotions are only modifications of the desire itself. The desire becomes for example anger in the same way that the water under certain conditions assumes the form of ice, or the milk modifies as yogurt.

There is no ego or egoism as something different from desire and the negative emotions together with pride (pride is also the desire to be and feel superior or special). Desire, pride and negative emotions constitute what we call ego which is a plurality and not a singularity as apparently seems to be.

Association, projection, imagination, identification, rajas and tamas are the factors by which the mechanism of desire functions.

Compulsive mechanical thinking is also caused by desire and the negative emotions (which as I said are only modifications of desire). If we dissolve the desire or the emotion then thinking will subside immediately. But it isn't so easy to dissolve the desire and the emotion directly, they are powerful.

How to free ourselves from desires and negative emotions

 Thus we must find ways or technics by which gradually we eliminate the desire-energy and the emotional energy. Each one according the maturity, the mental capacities, the constitution and the experiences must ajust the practices in a unique way.

According my experience the most effective way to dissolve the emotional and desire energy is to work with the emotions and the desire in three levels. From the body-vital energy level (which includes the physical prana and the psychic prana which is the energy of the emotions and desire) from the level of the mind  and intellect and from the level of awareness which is at the center of all practices.

Intense longing for liberation, faith, self-confidense, patience, determination, perseverance and diligent daily practice (dedication) are the necessary qualifications in order to succeed.

~ Atman Nityananda