


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Vid: Vital-Emotional being - Atman Nityananda

Vital-Emotional being 

In the Vital-emotional sheath lies our suffering and the difficulties in spiritual development

Although it is very common to read or hear that the main cause of our suffering is our thoughts or our thinking this is not the core of our problems. The impure vital is the core factor of our problems and what creates delusion and suffering. The vital is the unconsious, mechanical, compulsive part of ourselves which cause unbalances, disharmony, dysfunction and suffering.

The mind and intellect are victims of the impure and undeveloped vital which uses them as its instruments to achieve its goals; due to the dense and negative vibrations of the vital energy which flow in the mind and intellect the mind and intellect lose their clarity, sharpness, luminosity, concentration, serenity, tranquility and the higher capacities of pure reason, understanding, discernment, intuition are obscured highly.

The mechanical compulsive thinking, (the noise in the head), the negative thinking, abusing, complaining, justifications, the daydreaming and imaginations are all the mental expressions of the vital impulses, emotions, desires,  etc.. The mental vital* (according Sri Auronindo the vital has 4 parts) is the part of the vital that ‘translates’ all vital formations into mental forms, (thoughts, imaginations, concepts).Of course desire is the central expression of the vital (the core desire is the sexual) and all other vital expressions are related to it (desire).

It is important always to remember that all different levels and parts of our existence are interconnected and the dysfunction of one affect the proper funcioning of others.   The body, the vital force (physical and psychic prana***), the senses, the manas (external mind) and the buddhi (intellect-intelligence)  are interconnected. We must use all wisely, with moderation and common sense  maintaining the balance at all levels in order to enjoy good physical and psychological health and grow up spiritually.

The Vital-emotional Sheath and the Vital-emotional Ego

🌺 Peace, Love, Harmony